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LCCP Comparison

0 Year

Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) is the single most important measure of an HVAC system’s carbon footprint and global warming impact, measuring the impact of the unit across its lifecycle. While the refrigerant itself creates a direct impact, the electricity the unit draws creates a more significant contribution to total emissions. In effect, choosing a refrigerant with a lower GWP that yields less efficiency can result in higher lifecycle emissions. Explore why Daikin chose R32 as the right choice to replace R410A in many of our products. Simply select a region, and watch the emissions grow over an average 20 year lifetime of a Daikin Rebel packaged rooftop unit.

Lifetime Emissions Comparison
R-410A / R-32 / R-454B

Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent

Contributor to Emissions in HVAC Equipment

Lifetime Direct Emissions
From Refrigerant

Lifetime Indirect Emissions
From Energy Consumption

Lifetime Direct Emissions
From Manufacturing/End Of Life